
File, 1.2 KB (added by zhibinwu, 18 years ago)
1# auto-generated file
2# Gnuplot recommends setting the size and origin before going to multiplot mode
3# This sets up bounding boxes and may be required on some terminals
4set terminal postscript enhanced color
5set output ""
6set size 1,1
7set origin 0,0
8set key bottom right
9set key box# Done interactively, this takes gnuplot into multiplot mode
10set multiplot
11set size 1,0.333
12set origin 0,0.66
13set xlabel "t (seconds)"
14set ylabel "throughput (Bytes ps)"
15plot "temp/sink1" using 2:4 title 'flow1' with lines, "temp/sink2" using 2:4 title 'flow2' with lines, "temp/sink3" using 2:4 title 'flow3' with lines, "temp/sink4" using 2:4 title 'flow4' with lines
16set size 1,0.333
17set origin 0,0.33
18set xlabel "t (seconds)"
19set ylabel "average rssi"
20plot "temp/sink1" using 2:5 title 'flow1' with lines, "temp/sink2" using 2:5 title 'flow2' with lines, "temp/sink3" using 2:5 title 'flow3' with lines, "temp/sink4" using 2:5 title 'flow4' with lines
21set size 1,0.333
22set origin 0,0
23set xlabel "t (seconds)"
24set ylabel "average PHY rate"
25plot "temp/sink1" using 2:6 title 'flow1' with lines, "temp/sink2" using 2:6 title 'flow2' with lines, "temp/sink3" using 2:6 title 'flow3' with lines, "temp/sink4" using 2:6 title 'flow4' with lines
26unset multiplot