=== Snac Installation and Usage === == Installation == The Basic process is outlined on http://www.openflowswitch.org/wp/SNAC/, I repeat it here in case they remove that page: {{{ $ apt-get install openssl libboost-test1.34.1 libboost-filesystem1.34.1 \ libboost-serialization1.34.1 libxerces-c28 python2.5 python-twisted \ python-simplejson python-mako python-openssl tmpreaper \ python-sphinx libldap2-dev $ tar xvfz snac_packages.tar.gz $ cd snac_packages $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb }}} This assumes you've downloaded the file snac_packages.tar.gz from the site listed above. The Nox-core package didn't install initially because of misplaced pipe character (|) in line 307 of this file: /usr/sbin/ofp-pki. Deleteing the rouge pipe allowed dpkg -i noxcore_0.4.0~beta_i386.deb to install with out a hitch, the rest of the packages installed after that first error was corrected. Point a web-browser to the machine and using admin/admin as credentials we were able to use the snac interface.