[wiki:WikiStart Orbit] > [wiki:Documentation/Athstats Athstats] > [wiki:Documentation/Athstats/ScriptsRepository Scripts Repository] > UDP/TCP Unicast {{{ require 'net/http' require 'uri' Experiment.name = "tutorial-1a" Experiment.project = "orbit:tutorial" defProperty('rate', 300, 'Bits per second sent from sender') defProperty('packetSize', 256, 'Size of packets sent from sender') defProperty('startExp', 0, 'Start experiment flag - set to true only when all nodes have associated') defNodes('receiver', [1,2]) {|node| node.image = nil # assume the right image to be on disk node.prototype("test:proto:receiver" , { 'hostname' => '', 'protocol' => 'udp' }) node.net.w0.type = 'a' node.net.w0.essid = "neo" node.net.w0.mode = "master" node.net.w0.ip = "%192.168.%x.%y" } defNodes('sender', [1,1]) {|node| node.image = nil # assume the right image to be on disk node.prototype("test:proto:sender", { 'destinationHost' => '', 'packetSize' => Experiment.property("packetSize"), 'rate' => Experiment.property("rate"), 'protocol' => 'udp', }) node.net.w0.type = 'a' node.net.w0.essid = "neo" node.net.w0.mode = "managed" node.net.w0.ip = "%192.168.%x.%y" } defNodes('allnodes', [[1,1],[1,2]]) {|node| node.image = nil # assume the right image to be on disk node.prototype("test:proto:driverqueryapp", { 'interface' => 'ath0', 'interval' => '1000', }) } whenAllInstalled() {|node| Experiment.props.packetSize = 1350 Experiment.props.rate = 35000 Experiment.props.startExp = 0 puts "Starting applications" nodes('allnodes').startApplications nodes('receiver').startApplications nodes('sender').startApplications wait 60 puts "Stopping applications" nodes('sender').stopApplications nodes('receiver').stopApplications nodes('allnodes').stopApplications wait 10 Experiment.done } }}}