= nodes: Address a set of nodes = This command allows the experimenter to send commands and configure resources on all nodes simultaneously. == Syntax: nodes(nodeSet).command(), allNodes(nodeSet).resource_path = value, allNodes(nodeSet).resource_path {...} == * '''nodeSet''': The set of nodes to use * '''command''': Command to issue on the set. * '''resource_path:''' Path to resource. * '''value:''' Value to assign to resource. The list of commands currently defined can be found '''missing'''. A description of the resource paths can be found '''mssing'''. == Usage == {{{ nodes('sender1').startApplications nodes(['s1', 'r1']).net.wo.essid = "orbit" nodes('sender').net.wo { |w| w.essid = "orbit" w.ip = "%192.168.%x.%y" } }}} == See Also == [wiki:Documentation/NodeHandler/Commands/allNodes allNodes]