[wiki:Documentation] | [wiki:Documentation/NodeHandler NodeHandler] | [wiki:Documentation/NodeHandler/Commands Commands] | nodes = nodes: Address a set of nodes = This command allows the experimenter to send commands and configure resources on all nodes simultaneously. == Syntax == '''nodes(''setSelector'').''command''()[[BR]] nodes(''setSelector'').''resource_path'' = ''value''[[BR]] nodes(''setSelector'').''resource_path'' {...} * '''setSelector''': The set of nodes to use * '''command''': Command to issue on the set. * '''resource_path:''' Path to resource. * '''value:''' Value to assign to resource. The supported syntax for the ''setSelector'' can be found in [wiki:Documentation/NodeHandler/Commands/defNodes defNodes] where it is simply called ''selector''. The list of commands currently defined can be found '''missing'''. The following resource paths and their repsective value ranges are listed below: * '''net''' Network resource * '''e0, e1''' Ethernet interface * '''arp''' = ''true|false'' En/disable ARP * '''forward''' = ''true|false'' Enable forwarding * '''ip''' = ''address/netmask'' IP address of interface * '''up''' = ''true|false'' En/disable interface * route * '''w0, w1''' Wireless interface * All the above * '''channel''' (intel only) = ''1..11; 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161'' * '''essid''' = ''string'' * '''frequency''' (intel only) = ''2.412..2.462''GHz (5 Mhz steps); ''5.18''GHz (20Mhz steps) * '''mode''' = ''master|managed|monitor'', ''ad-hoc'' (intel only) * '''rts''' (atheros only) = ''packetSizeThreshold'' [bytes] * '''rate''' (intel only) = ''1, 5, 11; 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54'' * '''tx_power''' = ''-12..15'' dBm (intel), ''0..20'' dBm (atheros) * '''type''' = ''a/b/g'' == Usage == {{{ nodes('sender1').startApplications nodes(['s1', 'r1']).net.w0.essid = "orbit" nodes('sender').net.w0 { |w| w.essid = "orbit" w.ip = "%192.168.%x.%y" } }}} == See Also == [wiki:Documentation/NodeHandler/Commands/allNodes allNodes]