= SDR & Spectrum using a Drone = ---- [[Image(http://www.orbit-lab.org/attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2016/SDRSpectrumDrone/20160621_120159.jpg)]] == Mission == We are manipulating a drone to fly around and collect spectrum from the ORBIT nodes. The spectrum will be collected and analyzed. == ---- == Background == === Software Defined Radio (SDR) === Software Defined Radio is a communication system in which elements that are normally integrated in hardware, are instead set up in software, and can be accessed through a personal computer or embedded system. SDR is much cheaper and more customizable in comparison to its hardware counterparts. === Spectrum Analysis === Spectrum Analysis is the analysis in terms of spectrum of frequencies. Spectrum is measured in the frequency domain using a signal analyzer. Complex signal are broken down into frequency components, making it easier to measure signal properties.