= Smart Intersection Simulation = == Project Objective == Develop smart city intersection simulation for the model intersection in the ORBIT room. Work on virtual reality extension by connecting VR environment to the simulator to generate realistic car behavior. Situation permitting, work with physical smart city environment to use real car behavior as input to the simulator. Take SUMO simulation from last year and pipe data from SUMO to the Gazebo simulation. Have Gazebo simulation's environment mimic the environment in Orbit. Extra credit: Online multiplayer car driving (multiple VR headsets for multiple cars). == Reading Material == * [https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/index.html SUMO Traffic Simulator] * [http://gazebosim.org/ Gazebo Robotic Simulator ] * [https://gitlab.orbit-lab.org/traffic-simulator/globalwiki Traffic Simulator 2019 Project Wiki] * [https://jlc5627.wixsite.com/smartintersection Traffic Simulator 2019 Project Website] == Project Direction == * Come up with a model intersection simulator. * SUMO vs Gazebo * Use SUMO to build a simulation of the scaled intersection in ORBIT. * Put virtual traffic on it & tie it together with Gazebo based robotic car models. * Read about Gazebo and see if it can be used for everything. * Self Driving group will most likely use Gazebo so coordinate with them. == Week 1 Activities == * Get ORBIT/COSMOS account and familiarize oneself with the testbed procedures == Week 2 Activities == * Set up Gazebo and Sumo on remote desktop * Start building Gazebo environments * Follow Gazebo tutorials to get familiar with the environment * http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?cat=guided_b&tut=guided_b3 * http://gazebosim.org/tutorials/?tut=dem == Project Website == https://markstanik.wixsite.com/intersectionsim