Changes between Version 43 and Version 44 of Internal/InventoryV3

Jan 25, 2011, 6:24:52 AM (13 years ago)


  • Internal/InventoryV3

    v43 v44  
    7  * gather.rb:2.18
    8  * writer.rb:1.02 (deprecated)
    9  * logcopy:0.04 (deprecated)
    10  * inventoryv2.rb:0.05
     7 * gather.rb:2.23
     8 * inventory-5.2.rb:...
    1210It's plan is to be simpler and less ambitious than it's predecessor, but still respect the sql table structure ("as much as possible.")
    406404I've done away with the syspath method for getting vendor information. Instead I used lshw -numeric. I've corrected how the cpu's get enumerated and counted. On the quad core cpu the fold count was 20 (massive duplication), I filter by looking for a size attribute (orignally serial number, but that isn't consisten across platforms). I had to add some unit conversions to be able to push data into the mysql table, but right now it busted. I'll need to rethink how it's getting stored/converted.
    408407The update method in network has an error, it's comparing inventory ids, and incorrectly updating if those don't match. I'll need to drop them out of the set of things to compare. Had to modify the storage types in motherboard, to be bigints so I could store the converted numbers, and then pull them out the same way.
     409=== 1/25/20100 ===
     411The script is mostly done. I've added an update method to the USB class (a subclass of device). There were a few sanity check tweaks that had to be added (empty vendor string, disks with no size e.g. cdroms). That being said the omf-5.2 setup required a complete rewrite of the calling/executing script. The newst version is now named inventory-5.2.rb.
     412The checking/inserting/updating function of the update method remains mostly the same as the network, however I've trimmed the header array a bit since I don't have as much information for Usb as I do for network.
     414All the non hardware specific infromation has been pulled into a new System class (node_id, inventory_id, location_id, etc...). It's a subclass of component (most for mysql stuff), but doesn't require any "external" refrences.
     416The omf-5.2 problems are still being worked on but once those are ironed out we can call the "script" portion done. The final step requires moving the functionality to a pxeimage, and then tweaking the "load" expirment to become the "inventory" expirment (by replacing frisbee lines with ruby /gatherer.rb lines).
     418I think version 2.23 is feature complete (with the exception of dreaming up a way to figure out usb devices mac addres, and making some of the other flags e.g. xml, file, etc.. ) do something
     420In the inventory script I call gatherer.rb with a -d -l /tmp/gatherer.log so I can check the log if any thing goes wrong. Since We're using the def application facility, if the script throw any errors, the framework captures them and brings them back to console.