Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of Internal/Operations

Jun 13, 2006, 8:29:20 PM (18 years ago)


  • Internal/Operations

    v7 v8  
    2222When a user requests a timeslot on a resource, the user accesses the ORBIT schedule webpage and selects slots.  Each slot, by default, remains in the pending state until an administrator approves the request.  To alleviate the human aspect of approving slots, an auto approver approves pending slots 3 minutes before the  start time.  Upon auto or manual approval, the schedule page generates and sends an email to the user's email address specified in the LDAP database informing the user of the state change.  During the start of the slot, the auto approval service modify's the user's entry in LDAP to allow access to the approved resource.  Once access is granted in LDAP, the console of the resource will detect the new entry in the user's LDAP profile and allow them access to that resource.
    24 During a user's slot, experiment data can be collected via the ORBIT Measurement Library.  Overall 802.11 packet traces are collected via the ARUBA Monitoring service.  Both of these mechanisms for capturing experiment data aggregate data from multiple experiment nodes via multicast back channels.  Once captured, they are archived in a series of MySQL Databases.  During experiment runtime, the collection services insert relavant data into high performance Internal Database server (IDB).  Once an experiment has completed, the database is moved off of IDB onto an External Database server (EDB) for archiving.
     24During a user's slot, experiment data can be collected via the ORBIT Measurement Library.  Overall 802.11 packet traces are collected via the ARUBA Monitoring service.  Both of these mechanisms for capturing experiment data aggregate data from multiple experiment nodes via multicast back channels.  Once captured, they are archived in a series of MySQL Databases.  During experiment runtime, the collection services insert relavant data into high performance Internal Database server (IDB).  Once an experiment has completed, the OML database is moved off of IDB onto an External Database server (EDB) for presistent storage via the ORBIT Collection Service.  Users can then export their data from EDB or manipulate it directly without requesting a timeslot on a resource.