Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/DesignByWiki

Oct 10, 2006, 8:20:27 PM (18 years ago)


  • Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/DesignByWiki

    v11 v12  
    11[[TOC(Internal/Rbac, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacLevels, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/ThreatAnalysis, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/ResourcesRoles, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/ImplementationResearch, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/AuditingTools, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/ConsistencyChecking, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/NistRbacSoftware, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/SolarisRbac, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/OasisRbac, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/xoRbac, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/DesignByWiki, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/OpenIssues, Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/WorkToDo, Internal/Rbac/LdapResources, Internal/Rbac/RbacResources)]]
    22==== Designing Using Wiki ====
    3 Wiki pages like these constitute a work in progress.  Although it is relatively easy to enter text and create links in a wiki, the first barrier in using one for a large project is determining how to structure the wiki pages to hold the work, i.e., breaking the on-going work into screen size chunks.   In the initial research phase, it would be nice to include references where one could click on them to go to an associated pdf, but there are problems.  One is that there is no wiki equivalent of BibTeX or Endnote.  Using BibTeX and converting the .bbl file to wiki references may be done with a Perl program
     3Wiki pages like these constitute documentation of a work in progress.  In the early stages, the wiki pages may well constitute all the work of a project.  Although it is relatively easy to enter text and create links in a wiki, the first barrier in using one for a large project is determining how to structure the wiki pages to hold the work, i.e., breaking the on-going work into screen size chunks.  Structure matters because may wiki references
     5In the initial research phase, it would be nice to build up a list of references where one could click on them to go to an associated pdf.  These references could later be used in bibliographies for papers written about the project.  Wikis do not have the equivalent of BibTeX or Endnote.  Using LaTeX and BibTeX and converting the .bbl intermediate file to a list of wiki references may be done with a Perl program in /home/hedinger/rbacrefs.  The shell script there will automatically open the wiki file with Kwrite with an encoding of utf8 to allow lines including Unicode characters to be cut from it and pasted into Trac wiki pages that use utf8 coding internally.
    57Because this work is on an internal wiki page, the numerous PDF files accumulated while researching RBAC might be placed on an internal ftp server to make it easier to click through to access each one without the intervening "HTML preview not available" page when linking to attachments.  Also, lots of attachments clutter the page.
    911How does a group of people review a design in wiki format?
     13An incidental problem with a wiki or any hypertext document is that although it should be relatively easy to browse through it, unlike a book that one can quickly flip through quickly, access to each page in a wiki requires a conscious click, and, if one erroneously assumes that one already knows or has already seen what is behind that door, one may well miss lots of information.
    1115Like updating any document, updating a wiki design and implementation document as the project evolves will require occasional reorganization and continual efforts to keep the wiki up to date, i.e., reflecting current decisions.  The wiki documents work done and decisions made primarily for later maintainers that may need to revisit certain decisions or add features.