Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/DesignByWiki

Sep 12, 2006, 4:32:29 PM (18 years ago)


  • Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign/DesignByWiki

    v3 v4  
    33Wiki pages like these constitute a work in progress.  Although it is relatively easy to enter text and create links in a wiki, the first barrier in using one for a large project is determining how to structure the wiki pages to hold the work, i.e., breaking the on-going work into screen size chunks.   In the initial research phase, it would be nice to include references where one could click on them to go to an associated pdf, but there are problems.  One is that there is no wiki equivalent of BibTeX or Endnote.  Using BibTeX and converting the .bbl file to wiki references may be done with a Perl program
    5 Because this work is on an internal wiki page, the numerous PDF files accumulated while researching RBAC might be placed on an internal server to make it easier to click through to access each one without the intervening "HTML preview not available" page when linking to attachments.  Also, lots of attachments clutter the page.
     5Because this work is on an internal wiki page, the numerous PDF files accumulated while researching RBAC might be placed on an internal ftp server to make it easier to click through to access each one without the intervening "HTML preview not available" page when linking to attachments.  Also, lots of attachments clutter the page.
    77It seems that only the Trac administrator can remove a Trac attachment.  This raises the cost of playing around with where to put such attachments for references.
     9How does a group of people review a design in wiki format?
    911Besides learning a new way to document ones work, there are other issues.  Andrew Lincoln Burrow  [[ Bur04]] states "The open and collective authorship of hypertext is the basis of wiki. It was pioneered by Ward Cunningham in the Portland Pattern Repository as a means to discuss software engineering strategies. In essence, wiki provides a model for collaboration, because it removes many impediments to shared authorship. However, it does not represent and restrict access to a document, and is thus not in a position to model the movement of a document from a narrower to a wider audience. Where creative ideas are at stake, this is often a barrier to the use of wiki."