
Version 4 (modified by seskar, 14 years ago) ( diff )

Name changed from Internal/WiMAX/WiMAXAPI/SysAdmin to Internal/WiMAX/WiMAXAPI/cSysAdmin

Table of Contents

  1. API Classification and Usage
    1. Sample Experiment Setup Using API
    2. Sample Experiment: Custom Service Class Control
  2. Accessing the WiMAX Base Station
        1. Input Command
        2. Expected Output
        3. Input Command
        4. Expected Output
        5. Input Command
        6. Expected Output
        7. Input Command
        8. Expected Output
        9. Sample Experiment Script
  3. Slice Manager API Specification (User Exposed)
    1. SLICE (VM) Control Functions
      1. createSLICE
      2. destroySLICE
      3. startSLICE
      4. stopSLICE
      5. setSLICEParams
    2. Client Control Functions
      1. addClient
      2. deleteClient
  4. Radio Management API (User Exposed)
    1. Custom Service Class Suport
      1. createServiceFlow(SlideID, direction, priority, classifier-ips, …
      2. createServiceClass(SlideID,STIDs{})
      3. installServiceClass(SlideID,SCID)
      4. uninstallServiceClass(SlideID,SCID)
      5. deleteServiceClass(SlideID, SCID)
      6. deleteServiceFlow(SlideID, STID)
    2. Slice Radio Control
      1. setMinimalMcs(SliceID, MSID, SCID, mcs)
      2. setFixedMcs(SliceID, MSID, SCID, mcs)
      3. setRadioResource(SliceID, MSID, RR)
      4. setBandwithUlDlRatio(bandwidth UL_DL_ratio)
    3. Slice Radio Monitoring
      1. getAllClientsInfo( SLICEID )
      2. getClientInfo(SLICE ID, MSID)
      3. getSliceResource(SLICEID)
  5. System Administrator API Specification (Internal)
    1. VM Administration
      1. setSliceParams(SLICEID, disk_quota, cpu)
      2. getSliceParams(SLICEID)
    2. getTotalParams(SLICEID) =
  6. SM – Datapath API (Internal)
      1. addClient(VLAN, MSID)
      2. removeClient(VLAN, MSID)
  7. RM – Datapath API (Internal)
      1. addServiceFlow(MSID, Service class tlv)
      2. removeServiceFlow(MSID, Service class tlv)
  8. BSFB – Datapath API (Internal)
    1. Network Entry Control API Specification
      1. appendMACAcl
      2. removeMACAcl
      3. acceptMAC
      4. rejectMAC
      5. clientRegistration
      6. clientDeregistration
    2. Radio Level Monitoring
      1. getAvailableResources
      2. getMCS
      3. getThroughput
      4. getPacketLoss

System Administrator API Specification (Internal)

These set of functions are exposed to the system administrator for managing and monitoring slice quotas from a virtualization perspective. More administrative functionality is provided on the RF side as discussed in the BS-RF API.

VM Administration

setSliceParams(SLICEID, disk_quota, cpu)

  • This function is provided to the administrator for setting up slice level parameters such as total disk / cpu quota assigned to a slice.
  • Successful setting of these parameters returns “ok”


  • This function is provided to the administrator for getting slice level parameters such as total disk/CPU quota assigned to a slice.
  • Online information such as current usage is also be made available.
  • Returns XML with appropriate parameters on success, “nok” otherwise.

getTotalParams(SLICEID) =

  • This function is provided to the administrator for getting information on total available resources, such as disk space/ cpu quota available for allocation.
  • This function is typically used by the administrator before the use of setSliceParams() function.
  • Returns XML with appropriate parameters on success, “nok” otherwise.
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